Thursday, May 3, 2007

What's in a Cover?

What happened to the good old RBF times, which were before my time? Tagging and that sort of thing. I don't know about looking at bedhead photos, but I loved looking at photos of runners' stuff. Like their medal walls. Or their bibs lined up. Or their refrigerator photos. Even their toes (how many blackened nails?). Where have those times gone?

Here is my fridge. It's covered with magnets. I have been ordered by some--No more fridge magnets! Uh, okay. (Left: A lotta magnets of places holding photos of places on that baby. Across the top row are little pix in location photoholders of all my DC 10-Milers (six), ending in my 2004 Twin Cities Marathon finisher's photo (wearing my John Kerry t-shirt). Down the right side, top, are little pix in location photoholders of all my sub-four marathons (three).)

Can you judge a book by its cover? Here's what's inside my fridge. A lot of liquids. Does it look like a runner's fridge? A bachelor's fridge? A running bachelor's fridge? (Right: On top, pomegranate juice and wrapping materials. Up above, frozen fish, coffee and a few store-bought oven-ready packages. Down below, a lotta water, a little soda, some juice, a pint of milk, a little bit of cut-up fruit and a coupla Millers. The Red Stripe is for when company comes over, which is practically never. The crispers contain two dozen eight-ounce fruit cups for eating in the car when I'm driving to races or morning workouts.)

I tag Not Born to Run, Bex and Just 1 2 Finish to divulge their fridge particulars. Y'all haven't posted yet this month anyway, except for Jeanne.


jeanne said...

love it. well you'll never go thirsty. wait 'til you see what's in the fridge at NBTR headquarters! People will want to start a food drive.

Rich said...

Trouble-maker! I don't think anyone will find my fridge remotely interesting, but I'll find something to post about my runner "stuff".

Dori said...

Where's the bag of frozen peas for icing your muscles post-run?

Thanks for commenting on my blog. My dad just got through his second chemo treatment and his hair all fell out. I think he was kind of proud of his full head of hair, but all he cares about now is getting healthy. He's got a great positive attitude. I'm in California right now and will see him tomorrow night.

Anonymous said...

Nice magnet collection! You should be proud, and go ahead and add more!

Massage Chair

Laurel said...

I have a magnet addiction too.