Saturday, July 11, 2015

Happy Place

I been running, yeah.  I'm in a happy place currently with it, having logged over 100 miles last month.  (The Washington Monument is ever-present on the Mall, as seen from the veranda of the Lincoln Memorial.)

I run with friends usually.  Sometimes I run alone, but that's work and not as much fun.  (Interesting cloud cover over the Lincoln Memorial.)

I started off on my comeback to running four and a half years ago weighing in at a hair's breadth under 250 pounds.  Now I'm at a hair's breadth under 180 pounds.  (The National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) is nearing completion on the Mall within the shadow of the Washington Monument.)

DC has a great running community.  It boasts lots of races, myriad resources, great running venues and decent weather.  (Last week a noontime running group cooled off after three and a half miles in the 90 degree heat with ice cream from the Jubilee Ice Cream Shoppe down by the waterfront near Nats Stadium.)

1 comment:

Drew Watts said...

Thank you so much for this great share dear and the event space is really beautiful. I will surely refer this post to my friend. She was looking for venues in DC like this for celebrating her birthday.