Sunday, January 5, 2020

Johnny, I Hardly Know You

My sweet middle boy, John Henry Lamberton, or Johnny, at age 1 1/2 on Nantucket at a photo shoot paid for by his grandmother, my mother. This boy, a victim as a tender minor of the form of child abuse known as Parental Alienation Syndrome perpetrated by his mother and her mercenary coterie of "professionals" here in NoVa during the Divorce, has not communicated with me in 14 years or any Lamberton in 18 years, a classic hallmark of PAS. He has a birthday this month; Johnny, if you are alive and well (your mother stonily refused to answer those questions about your condition put to her by me when I last saw her in a public venue about four years ago), know that on your birthday I'll be at the Lost Dog in Westover for lunch, come and we'll start our lifetime going forward, a boy (now adult) and his dad, one day at a time.

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