Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I'll See You There

The call came in on my land line last night, too late for solicitor calls, so I answered it.  It was my sister, who hasn't called me in years.  I waited for the bad news I knew was coming.

Her stepson died the previous night at age 21.  I knew he had been used as a lifelong pawn by his biological mother against the father, my sister's husband, in the interminable warfare certain parents wage in their endless quest to get back at spouses who have "failed" them.  Now the boy is free and those left behind are utterly devastated.

I know whereof I speak.  My three children, now adults, haven't spoken to me in years because of their mother's use of them "up to their armpits" in our divorce proceeding.  I hope they are all alright, but I have no idea whether they are even alive.

My ex-wife surely believes in her never ending rage that I will go to hell.  If so, I will see every single mother or father or "professional" who has ever involved a minor child in a mindless pursuit to utterly destroy the other parent.  Meanwhile, rest in peace, sweet troubled young man whose childhood was stolen away.

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