Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy Fourth, yeah

It cut me to the quick.  An email message sent by me a couple of days ago detailing the sad particulars of a service for a member of the greater family was responded to by a closer member of my family with an unhinged rant about what an, ahem, ass I am and, by the way, he pointedly asked, How are my kids?

I ignored the threatening aspects of the screed, although I am no fool and have taken precautions already, but the reference to my three kids, who, because of the divorce, haven't communicated with me for years, really hurt.  I don't think about them every day and I have mostly moved on past them after all this time, but this roll-out by a family member of his best version of nuclear hurt in response to this humdrum familial contact has shocked and depressed me greatly.

Today being the July Fourth holiday, I went to my well-known, well-publicized favorite restaurant at noon for lunch on a holiday and hoped that one or more of my children would come to share the meal with me so we could get started on living out the first day of the rest of our lives in contact.  It didn't happen of course, because PAS is an insidious, invidious form of cruelty inflicted on the other parent by a parent who will use tender children in the advancement of her own preening, overweening ego despite the well-documented permanent harm it does to the minor children.

Reality is very precise.  Et tu, Brutus?

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