Monday, March 3, 2014

Slip Slidin' Away

It's been a rough winter.  This is my fourth snow day of the season, the government closed again.

I went out intending to do a 2-mile run in the blowing snow this morning, but the whipping wind made it too cold so I reduced my run (with plenty of pauses to take pictures) to one mile mostly on the pristine W&OD Trail.  There was about 3 inches of powdery snow covering an undercoating of sheer ice from last night's freezing rain and sleet before it turned to snow.

The going was okay, but my ears and face were cold.  Gotta keep up the five-times running per week, you know, or all order might disrupt in the world and bad things could happen like WW3 in the Crimea (tone down the rhetoric, prez).

On the street leading back to my house the snow plow was operating.  His scraping of the roadway exposed the ice sheet overlaying the asphalt so I had to walk it in the last quarter mile, but it was an invigorating run.

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