The next two days I ran 4.5 miles each day, slowly trying to pick up the pace a little. I ran by the nearby party store which is already ramping up for Halloween, it's biggest season. Fall has arrived.
My sister who lives in the midwest visited and we went out to dinner in the district, followed by an evening walk on the Mall. We traversed the Tidal Basin and enjoyed the quiet, reflective beauty of the Jefferson Memorial with the moon hanging over it.
I finished out my running week with two runs of 3 miles on consecutive days, giving me 21 miles for the week. One month after surgery, I'm happy with my progress in coming back, although I still have some discomfort as I heal fully. I was able to spend a day with my sister before she returned home and we walked around DC for awhile, saw the USAF Missing Man Memorial by the Pentagon, had lunch in Falls Church and went out to the Air and Space Museum at Dulles for the afternoon.