Monday, May 13, 2019

A belated birthday wish

The mother of my children had a birthday while I was in Europe, she is far closer to 70 now than 60.  I hope she's happy with her new husband, she's not the type of person who feels complete unless she has a person she can subtly and totally control; I am far happier without her although I grieve over the de facto loss of my three children, now mature adults, whom she totally turned against me as tender children during the divorce in my opinion with her insidious and invidious ways of control.

They are the true victims, as studies show that the children of a parent who introduced hatred against the other parent into their hearts grow up depressed, lacking confidence and unable to form emotional bonds, even with their own children.  I haven't received much information about my children since their early teen or pre-teen years when she secretly initiated the divorce by taking them out of state on false pretenses and started their total inclusion in her camp by subtly imploring them, while she was in control, to be in solidarity all together with her against their father who was according to her of an overbearing or dissolute character.

Unfortunately from what little I do know, now one seems to be a grifter, one a drifter and one a hanger-on.  And they had such potential, absent, in my opinion, her ruinous, self-centered influence in having them sue me as children during the pendency of the divorce.

I am afraid of one, who was manipulated to threaten me during the divorce, have received virtually zero information about and upon another for over a decade, and know the third is doing his best to subtly manipulate me, in his best impersonation of her, by doing things like visiting adults he knew growing up in the immediate neighborhood but not me in the sure knowledge that this potentially hurtful activity will get back to me later in idle conversations with neighbors.  I hope your special day was truly special, as befits you, Sharon Rogers Lightbourne.

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