Saturday, February 16, 2019

A visit to the firehouse.

My friend Jimmy and I had a great time in  Southport, NC, where we went to to get a feel for the town and look at houses as we walked and drove around because Jimmy is looking to move to a livelier coastal town.  Because Jimmy was a volunteer fireman previously in his current town of Vandemere, upon arrival in town we presented ourselves at the firehouse, and were treated to a tour of the station by Red.

We saw all of its shiny fire engines.  The place even has a fireman's pole, but we couldn't slide down it because training is required before a person is authorized to use it.

We peeked in on the fire chief, and were shown the bunking quarters, the kitchen, dining area, recreational space and weight room.  Out back was a tall tower which was a training confined area with several flights of stairs (think of the hundreds of heroes clomping up the stairs of the WTC on the morning of 9/11/01 as everyone else fled down those stairs).

Afterwards we enjoyed touring charming Southport, a true tourist mecca, by foot and car.  While driving around gawking at the stately (but crumbling) restored southern houses there, I swear I fleetingly saw someone I thought I once knew on the sidewalk.  Small world.

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