Tuesday, October 1, 2019


In Columbus, I hung out with my sister, her husband, and my nephews.  One of my sister's sons lives downtown while he attends classes to get a Master's degree, and I met them downtown.

We went to the location of the big POW camp in Columbus during the Civil War and in the Confederate cemetery there, I noted that the Rebel sentinel was standing guard over the graves again.  During the murderous Neo-Nazi riots in Charlottesville a couple of years ago, the sentry was vandalized and sent out for repair; I thought he might never return but he is back.

We attended a food truck festival downtown and enjoyed a beautiful sunset.  The city has created a river walk along the Scioto River in the heart of the city.

The next morning I went out early and tried to capture a beautiful sunup at a nearby park.  There is a lot to do in Columbus, Ohio's capital and its largest city.

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