Friday, December 13, 2019

Christmas Tree Run 2019, Part II

There is a lot to see in the District on a run at this time of year even beyond Holiday Lights.  For instance, a Giant Panda in the subway system, Washington is nuts about its Panda Bears, all gifts on loan from China, except for maybe the offsprings but I think even those might belong to China by the rules of exchange.  I was in a museum on my run and I listened to a loud exchange between the security guard and a man wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers jersey about the relative suckiness of each other's NFL team and when it seemed to be escalating into acrimony, I offered my opinion that I hated the Washington Redskins myself (it goes way back to the Nixon years); the security guard looked at me and said, "Then why are you wearing their colors?"  I was inadvertently, having donned the long-sleeved technical running shirt de-juere (gold) and the best sports vest I had with pockets that sealed with velcro closures (crimson).  I'll try not ion the future to look like a running prop for the failed team of allegedly despicable owner (he allegedly is very litigious and allegedly sues anybody for anything as allegedly a big bad bully in court burying persons who badmouth him with legal fees) Danny Snider.  (It turned out the two men who seemed to be arguing heatedly were actually friends.)

Hanging art versus suspended construction along the Mall.

A beautiful carousel on the Mall, seemingly uplifting even while looking backwards to the dark days of the Depression when a Merry-Go-Round could bring a brief glimmer of joy and hope.

The Capitol framed by the majestic raised sweep of the uplifted curving Hirschhorn Museum.  There's a lot of rancor and anti-democratic action going on down there; it's sickening Republic-wrecking activity, purely money and power driven, thank heavens for the 2018 elections.

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