Monday, March 1, 2010

So it goes...

Imagine having three lovely children, ages 12, 13 & 15, and they get into a car driven by your spouse to go away for a short holiday while you smile and wave goodbye from the porch of your household, and they never come back. This is the nightmare world of parental alienation syndrome (PAS), which some people deny exists and others claim is a form of child abuse.

In my case, my wife drove our three boys to her parents' house in another city, ostensibly for Spring Break, while I remained at home to work. She never brought them back to our household again, filing for divorce instead while clutching them to her bosom in her enlistment of them as front-line soldiers in the nuclear warfare of Western divorce.

Involving children in drafting pleadings, being an enabler for them to ignore visitation orders, getting them their very own divorce lawyer so they can sue a parent over a "fiduciary" matter, removing them from school in the hopes they can come to court to testify, surreptitiously taking them to charlatan psychologists so those paid whores can testify instead, this is how an alienating parent brainwashes the children into loathing the alienated parent. My kids, who until recently lived two miles away, haven't spoken to nor seen me in seven years, or communicated with anyone in my family during that time.

The youngest one turned 21 last month, after which I finally ceased my efforts to reconnect by futilely inviting them every holiday or birthday to a meal at some restaurant. As I ate my last hey-let's-meet restaurant meal in solitude, I looked at the thumbnail photo of one of them that I'd discovered on facebook and sadly reflected that I wouldn't recognize any of my sons if I passed right by them on the sidewalk.

Now sir, the time that tells what hour it is
Are clamorous groans, which strike upon my heart.

Fare you well JJ&D. Love you!


Unknown said...

Peter, I'm really sad for you. I can't even imagine what you go through with this.

Sunshine said...

So sorry so sorry so sorry.

You will keep getting on with your life, but you will never give up hope. Peace be with you.