Monday, September 3, 2018

Labor Day 2018

It being the Labor Day holiday, at noon I went for lunch to the Lost Dog Cafe in Westover where I discovered that the gourmet pizzeria had revamped its menu.  I selected the Pedigree Pie, an entry I'd never seen before, and it was delicious, being made with a flaky crust, marinara sauce, tomato wedges, garlic, pine seeds, artichoke hearts, spinach and arugula, having been drizzled with olive oil.

There was plenty for all, in case any welcome guests showed up.  I also enjoyed a Maine Lunch draft, which sadly is the closest I'll come this troubled year to visiting New England as I'd hoped to, before a form of blindness manifested itself in my right eye which hopefully two emergency eye surgeries last month will prevent or at least inhibit greatly when my healing process is done after another as-yet unscheduled eye operation.

The tasty lunch being over, I eschewed eating the last two slices in a time-tested and as yet unsuccessful appeal to the better-luck-next-time attitude I've maintained for, oh, well over a decade now.  Who knows, perhaps good fortune will finally reveal itself at noon on the next holiday, Columbus Day.

It was a beautiful day.  It was perfect for renewing acquaintances and reaffirming family, and starting to put the bitterness, divisiveness and hatreds of these troubled times into the past.

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