Sunday, September 30, 2018

These are troubled times...

Today I attended church to pray for my cousin who recently had the same eye surgery that I did last month and which I will have again next month, and for myself because I am afraid of my impending operation because it was the most painful surgery I have ever had.  After church, I went to lunch with a friend and she asked if during the service there was any mention of the Brett Kavanaugh situation.

I reported that interestingly, during the prayers for the people wherein there are calls for blessings for classes of people, such as our leaders or oppressed people, followed by a pause for contemplation as each parishioner adds his or her own silent, or spoken, prayer for a particular person or persons, a woman called out a request for for the lord's succor for all women who have suffered from sexual abuse.  It was the first time I can remember that I have heard such an out calling (I only attend once a month on average).

At lunch, we sat and chatted about the current nominee for the highest court and how we both think he is highly and inappropriately partisan, believes in Clinton conspiracy theories, talks down to female senators, improperly and defiantly answers questions with questions of his own to the questioner, and he displayed great, seething anger and acted very unjudge-like.  He also, it is obvious to me, lies easily and often, big and small.

At the table behind us a heated discussion arose between a young man and an older woman while a second young woman sat silently, about the same hearing wherein the young man was speaking loudly about the Democrats being hypocrites and Bill Clinton being a rapist and what about that and Kavanaugh denied it so where's the proof, and the arguing woman finally marched  off to the rest room and I didn't see her ever come back.  Me, I don't think we should put  an opportunistic, biased and unbalanced liar, as I discerned he was from watching Kavanaugh's tempestuous performance,, on the supreme court.

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