Saturday, December 1, 2018

A Somber Thanksgiving in Columbus 2018, Part One

I went to visit family for Thanksgiving this year, traveling to Columbus to spend the holiday with my sister and her husband and two of their three sons.  Coincidentally, my college freshman roommate was there visiting his uncle who had taken ill and was recovering in a nursing home in Upper Arlington.

The nine hour drive there on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving was uneventful except for the disturbing call I received midway through it that my sister's mother-in-law was in the hospital after suddenly collapsing and was being considered for hospice due to her unresponsive state.  Once I got to Columbus I dropped off my stuff at my sister's house, which was deserted because everyone was at the hospital except for one of her sons who had been sleeping and was unaware of his grandmother's condition, and I went to visit my friend Jimmy at his uncle's institution.

We visited for awhile with Jimmy's uncle and then I spent the night with Jimmy where he was staying and we caught up as I hadn't seen him since shortly before the Trump disaster in 2016.  We had a pleasant time discussing how the midterm elections was a good harbinger for America being restored to greatness again in the next election and I checked in by phone with my sister who indicated that the prognosis for her mother-in-law was not good.

The next morning I took a walk around the neighborhood where Jimmy's uncle's assisted living place was which was a vibrant neighborhood full of shops and restaurants and parks.  Then we went to visit his mother's gravesite in Dublin and afterwards stopped in to see Jimmy's daughter-in-law who was staying in Dublin with her parents while her husband was away at sea, and I met Jimmy's grandson, a fine baby of four months.  We spent a pleasant hour there while I arranged to visit my sister's mother-in-law's hospital room where the stricken person's children were keeping vigil.

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