Friday, December 14, 2018

At best, it's going to be a long four months.

I saw the doctor yesterday for the day-after appointment, and he said the retina looked alright, that it was still adhering to its wall of cones and rods so that was good.  The pressure in my good eye is normal at 18 and the pressure in the recovering eye is 5, which he said would come upon by the one-week appointment.

There's blood in the eye and I have maddening tiny bubbles floating all around my field of vision which he said were silicon oil globule since they can't get all the oil out so I guess I better get used to a moving cloud in my eye.  If the recovery proceeds well, I will have to be on severe restrictions for 8 weeks--no sneezing, coughing, bending over, picking anything up over 5 pounds, and taking eyedrops every 4 waking hours, ointment at night, a daily stool softener, with travel restricted and no driving for now.

But, no face-down period of recovery.  I am grateful for small, or perhaps big, things in light of this misfortune.  After that down period, for two more months I have to take it very easy, no running, workouts or strenuous activity.

Then if all goes well, sometime next spring, I can start getting back with my life.  I'm starting to think that my big car trip around the good ol' USA that I thought I would take after I retired will never happen.

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